1,000 trees in 5 hours
Our team makes a contribution to climate protection
Some climate protection measures can be initiated from your desk - for others, you have to or can go out into nature to get involved yourself. We carried out just such a campaign on June 4, 2024 together with Stand Montafon, the largest forest owner in the valley. All Silvretta Montafon employees were able to register for the tree planting campaign under the name SiMo Gmewerch (= non-profit landscape conservation), so that 10 highly motivated employees were ready and waiting on Tuesday morning.
After a brief introduction to the forest by forester Richard Battlogg, we packed up our equipment and started the tree planting campaign. Under the guidance of 2 experienced foresters, we dug holes in the forest floor into which we planted 3-year-old trees. The campaign took place in the municipality of Silbertal in a deforested area near the Kapell Bahn. After 5 hours of work (and a short break for refreshments), we had managed to plant 1,000 trees in the steep terrain. In the process, we expanded our knowledge of trees, forestry and the challenges of climate change. All in all, it was an exhausting day, accompanied by the good feeling of having made a positive contribution.
Over 90 % of the forest in the Montafon region is protective forest and therefore essential for the habitability of the Montafon. Climate change poses a major challenge for the trees: Changing temperatures, increasing extreme weather events and infestation by pests such as the bark beetle threaten the forest habitat and thus also affect the people living in the valley. It is therefore also our task to support the forest in adapting to climate change. You can also help us by donating €1 to tree.ly when you buy a ski day ticket. This climate protection contribution goes 100% to the Montafon stand, which means that new trees can be planted again. In the 2023/24 winter season, € 1,676 was raised in this way.